Хто: Ганна, 19 років, майбутня актриса, а нині студентка
Що: Микола Гоголь - "Портрет"
Де: Київський академічний Молодий театр, Київ
"У мене ця книжка з'явилася дуже дивним чином. Я її поцупила у власника квартири, яку орендувала в Одесі. Він про це досі не знає. Книжки до мене завжди невипадково потрапляють.
In English:
Who: Ganna, 19, a future actress - currently a student
What: Nikolai Gogol - "The Portrait"
Where: Kyiv Molody Theatre
"I've got this book in a very strange way. I stole it from the owner of the apartment that I had rented in Odessa. He still doesn't know about it. I always get books for a reason.
I've chosen Gogol cause I'm interested in the problem of becoming an artist, his path to himself as one. Now I’m reading the story "Portrait". It tells about what can happen to an artist and his talent if he is provided with an excessive wealth. The author poses the question: “Can the benefits dull the artist's ability to create?”.
I like this book. It's the first time I'm reading Gogol - I've only seen his works on stage before. I was afraid to read Gogol and Dostoevsky. One of my friends (future literary critic) said that there are people who shouldn't read these two writers. He also said that I am one of them, and their works might spoil me. But since I have this stolen book - I'm reading it".
Що: Микола Гоголь - "Портрет"
Де: Київський академічний Молодий театр, Київ
Вибрала Гоголя, бо зацікавилася темою становлення художника, його шляху до себе як до митця. Зараз читаю повість "Портрет". Вона про те, що може статися з художником і його талантом за умови надмірного матеріального забезпечення. У ній постає питання: чи можуть блага притупити його здатність творити.
Книга подобається. Гоголя читаю вперше, раніше лише дивилася на сцені. Боялася до нього, як і до Достоєвського, підходити. Бо мені один мій знайомий (майбутній літературний критик), казав, що є люди, яким цих двох письменників не варто читати. І що я теж належу до людей, яких ці твори можуть зіпсувати. Але раз вже маю цю крадену книга - читаю".
Who: Ganna, 19, a future actress - currently a student
What: Nikolai Gogol - "The Portrait"
Where: Kyiv Molody Theatre
"I've got this book in a very strange way. I stole it from the owner of the apartment that I had rented in Odessa. He still doesn't know about it. I always get books for a reason.
I've chosen Gogol cause I'm interested in the problem of becoming an artist, his path to himself as one. Now I’m reading the story "Portrait". It tells about what can happen to an artist and his talent if he is provided with an excessive wealth. The author poses the question: “Can the benefits dull the artist's ability to create?”.
I like this book. It's the first time I'm reading Gogol - I've only seen his works on stage before. I was afraid to read Gogol and Dostoevsky. One of my friends (future literary critic) said that there are people who shouldn't read these two writers. He also said that I am one of them, and their works might spoil me. But since I have this stolen book - I'm reading it".
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